

Regular full-time employees working at least thirty (30) hours per week are eligible. 


  • Your legal spouse.
  • Your children under the age of 26, regardless of student status for medical, dental and vision coverage, including married dependents, but not their spouse and/or children.
  • ​Your unmarried, dependent children who become mentally or physically incapable of earning a living, before age 26 (medical certification required) for medical, dental and vision coverage.

Proof of Eligibility

If you are enrolling an eligible spouse during enrollment, proof such as, but not limited to, a certificate of marriage is required. 

If you are enrolling an eligible dependent child during enrollment, proof is required. Examples of proof of dependency include but are not limited to: birth certificate, adoption, foster or legal medical support order indicating the participating employee as the parent. To submit proof of dependency on the ChenMed Benefits Portal go to the To-Dos section and select Verify Your Dependent’s Eligibility for Health Benefits.


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